The plan revealed by arrogant Anthony is a reduction in WT frequency, and if I understand his eminence correctly, an end to the duality of standard and simplified study WTs. Additionally, I understood his holiness to say that subject matters may not be added to and that a significant amount of digital media will be frozen. So repetition / reprints may be the future pattern. The present paucity of creativity will be the new reality / standard.
Thus, I'm expecting more haemorraging of bethalites too. They might only be safe if they're working in a video production department. His Royal Highness didn't say video production will be reduced.
There may be other consequences though. In that the annual report via the yearbook is no more, it remains to be seen if the level of detail in the digital version of the annual report is maintained. If not, or if the report is released in segments, then the importance of submitting reports may be lost on JWs. Irregularity in reporting may increase. Secretaries may have to get assertive to maintain the flow of reports from JWs. This in itself could be quite problematic locally.